
Not So Ideal...

So Nutritious and Delicious Clean Week started off well!
Although I have indigestion right now and am not sure why?! hmmm.......when I was younger, carrots would give me horrible, unbearable indigestion! SOO glad that has changed! ;)

I was (once again) planning on getting up this morning to run, but my roomie had the tv on from 11-1...so I layed awake for 2 hours shiffting around. I threw a pillow over my head at 1AM and she finally turned it off! (6 more nights and counting!) So this morning I was very grumpy.......lol.....but I did have a delish breakfast by combining Plain Cherrios with Raisin Bran and a cup of skim milk! :D
Cereal = love!
I then went to take my last four pages of Food Science notes for the year! That test is going to be a doozy (is that a word?! haha). After FDSC, Alexa, Kristen and I grabbed lunch. I picked a yummy stirfry made with water to cook the veggies and a touch of teriyaki sauce! Delish! And Veggie-ful!
Then, I went to take my art test! I may have gotten close to a 20?! LOL Half of it was slides and I haven't opened my art book these past few weeks! I am pretty sure I got at least a 20 though, which is all I need for an A in that class! (too bad they aren't all that way!)

Afterwards, Kristen and I went over to Alexa's house because she had gotten a care package from her mom and texted me saying
"I just got as MAMBO package from my mom and can't eat it all".
Free Food?! Im there! Kristen and I picked out a few items and here is what I snagged! THANKS LEX! :)
Then the three of us went to get some gelato! Tiramisu Gelato.....toatlly delish!
Kristen and I quizzed each other on the first 6 or 7 chapters of FDSC (out of 20) and we both knew them really well! That's good...I guess!!?!

I am thinking that my ideal morning workouts are not so ideal....SOOO I am considering going around 5 or so to do a little run or something!

I just ate a banana randomly as well......love the sticker! Great Reminder!
I can't wait to get home because.....
  • The Fam & PUPS are waiting!
  • My KITCHEN and OVEN (brand spankin' new!)

  • I have a stellar giveaway to do............but until then.................

Share your thoughts about "What Makes Life Worth Living?" on Meg's blog here!


  1. Oh, do I ever know what you mean about not being able to sleep. Try having the loud bass music till 1/2 o'clock in the morning. Horrible. Earplugs don't work either. (I have to resort to sleeping to them often, because the television is on till midnight). It makes me feel like an old woman wanting to go to bed at 11pm at the latest when others can go to bed in the middle of the night. LOL!

  2. I loooove Gilmore Girls haha it cracks me up everytime! I need to get the dvds so i can be a true addict lol

  3. Mmmm cereal! Man your roomie sounds RUUUUUDE every time I hear about her I want to smack her upside the head and say "don't you know how inconsiderate you are??!?!" But you sound nicer than I am ;)

    Just a few more days, hang in there! Awesome that your friend's mom sent a sweet care package, free food tastes so much better!

  4. Gotta love the classes that you can just blow off the final and still get a good grade!

    That is one of the reasons I'm glad I never had a roomie! I would have totally pitched a fit until she turned it off! Holmes needs her sleep!!

  5. Your tiramisu gelato looks great! I love afternoon workouts, I rarely exercise in the am weekdays.

  6. Sorry for the rough night. I love having my own room..it really makes all the difference! Hang in there!

    Gelato...looks so delish!

  7. Ah look at all the sweet snacks!!! Wish my friends called me more with free food, haha.

    I know how ya feel about the roomie thing, I was trying to sleep today and my rommie moved out (finally) but I don't think she could have been louder!

  8. Glee Gum Giveaway:


What's on your "foodie" mind today?