
Not as Planned

Wow! So I went up to the Taco line for lunch knowing exactly what I wanted.

ME: "I'll have two hard Tacos please"
Worker: "What meat do you want?"
ME: "I want Black Beans."
Worker: **Stares for a second** "We can't do that."
ME: "WHAT?!?! I have gotten it many many times before....yesterday to be exact."
Worker: "Well the people making it were breaking the rules because we can't do that."

Ok well after this mess, I was frustrated.....got a quick salad (Hard Boiled Egg, Spinach, roamine, Carrots, Broccoli) and my friends and I sat down to eat. After eating, Alexa was getting a refill on her drink and found a manager and confronted her with the issue. She went and talked to a few other managers and was like...."It shouldn't be a problem......our workers must just not know!?".

Let me just tell you that Black Bean Tacos are on the Menu for Tommorrow and I hope that girl is working! LOL!

The salad didnt keep me full for long and 2 hours later, Alexa and I were headed to KEVA JUICE where I got a........24oz Kevaccino (durrr!) The manager was there and made us a complimentary shot of carrot juice!!! hahah (I told you they know us there!).....I rather liked it, but Alexa..........................well didn't!! ;)

Now I am back home, eating a PBJ and APPLE! and about to study and then head to my Chem Final at 7!

Hope you had a more enjoyable earth day than I did!! :D

P.s. Check out this up and coming blogger!


  1. WHAAA? Really? Hum. Rules are made to be broken. LOL

  2. Ugh I'm sorry the girl working the food line was misinformed. What a dummie. I hope you can enjoy a black bean taco tomorrow!! Good luck on your final girl!

  3. What a headache! Good luck on your Chem final!!

  4. Haha get that black bean taco girl! Screw rules...especially taco rules :P

    But hey, at least you got some free juice today to make up for your taco disaster :)

    Good luck on your final - you're gonna do awesome!

    Love, Meg!

  5. Let's hope that girl isn't working tomorrow!

    Good luck on your final!

  6. that's crazy- they don't do a veggie option?... weirdos. Black beans rule! They are the meat of the legume world!


What's on your "foodie" mind today?