Today was another beautiful (but crazy windy) day. I got back my FDSC test .......98! yay! That was a great start to my day. Actually, the great start began when I was able to sit down and enjoy a real bowl of cereal for breakfast (this basically never happens, although the cereal lover in me cries out every morning as I am rushing out the door with a bar/fruit in my hands!). However, Tuesdays and Thursdays, I do not have 8AM classes, so things are a little more lax!After FDSC, my friends and I met up for lunch and I got a huge salad (spinach, romaine, carrot shreds, tomatoes, sunflower seed, green pepper, black olives, noodles, broccoli) and drizzled it with a single serving packet of Light Ranch dressing that I brought with me. It was so deliciously refreshing! In the back you see my cup of unsweetened iced tea (which always reminds me of home because my dad and I have our iced tea maker going non-stop most days! :D).
I then went to my Art Appreciation class (slightly boring....we watched a really disturbing movie...I'll spare you the details!). Afterwards, Kristen and I worked on Chemistry (I got my free refill of more iced tea ... no Diet Coke for me today!) Eventually, I headed home and although it was only 3:30, I fed my grumbling tummy a PBJ and another juicy apple (MMM!).
[[[Check out that PB & J oozing out!]]]
CONGRATS On the test- that is so awesome!! Your huge lunch salad looks awesome. Giant salads always make my day ;)