Perfect end to the Night!
Fun with Funfetti!
However, not so stuffed that I could not enjoy a slice of the funfetti cake that her mom made earlier that day and brought to the restaurant! YUM! It reminded me of the olden days! Does anyone else remember the good old boxed mix of funfetti cake?! It pretty much rocks! haha Our waiter was awesome and SOO nice ...... he brought us out some ice cream for our cake. He greatfully accepted our offer of a big slice off cake to take home with him! Too Fun!
After the wonderful meal, we headed back to Kristen's house to get a break from the dorm room and enjoy each other's company! We played dice/card games and ended the night playing with her kitty before heading "home". What a great night! And one more time: Happy Birthday Kristen! :D
Tommorrow morning Alexa and I are headed to KEVA to study and get some yummy smoothies! Cya then!!
Did you know?!
Don't worry, Be happy!
Too many Thoughts!
I have pics which I plan on uploading later because I am soo tired!
I love you all, but I am starting to jump back on the fence again about whether or not blogging is for me?! I love it....then I think it takes up too much time or effort, I love taking pics and...then I am not sure, I like posting......then again I feel like I am always rushing because I always have so much to do, I love writing and what not about the day.....then again it feels so redundant and whatnot! I am not sure at the moment.....I'll just take things one day at a time! I do enjoy of all your wonderful blogs though no matter what!
Never Ending To-do List
[[[[[I am always eating on the go!!!]]]]]
Anyways, after Bio, some of my friends and I met up at the Student Union for lunch. As I said last friday, we always make our fridays extra special with sandwiches from the specialty sandwich shop! :D Mine was similar to last week's: Boar's Head Turkey, Meunster Cheese, lettuce, tomato, red/green papper, black olives and mustard sandwiched between two thick slices of wheat berry bread! MMMM!
[[[[[ They are served with chips.....I ate about 2....Potato Chips have never been too appealing to me!?]]]]]
[[[[[ The other half is still wrapped up!]]]]]
Tracie's comment:
"Way to keep a healthy diet despite the many temptations college life brings. Thanks for mentioning our Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride tea. We are thrilled to hear you like it so much! It was actually featured on the Today Show during the holidays.
We wanted to let you know about a great new sustainability program from Celestial Seasonings. We hope you'll participate and share it with your friends. You can also become a Celestial fan on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/pages/Celestial-Seasonings/46728126663?ref=ts. Now for the new program...By simply purchasing tea or clicking on a mouse, Celestial Seasonings tea drinkers can support the planting of trees in developing countries and help promote environmental and economic sustainability around the world.
The brand has partnered with non-profit organization Trees for the Future to support the planting of more than one million trees in developing countries. These trees promote economic and environmental sustainability in nations where it is desperately needed. Tea drinkers can take part in two fun and affordable ways: by purchasing the brand’s all-natural teas between now and March 31, 2009, and by visiting www.celestialseasonings.com/trees, where they are given the opportunity to participate in a free, interactive, Web program that turns “virtual trees” into reality.
Thanks again for your support!"
See you guys tommorrow..........for some awesome FRIDAY-ness!
I just noticed I have started the past three or so entries with "Hey Guys"! No longer....(hahha)....It's time to add some variety to the blog world! And to my real world! Sophia helped me realize that I am in a food rut (Thanks to the thought-provoking ?? on her post!). Anyways, I am going to try buying different fruits (other than the utterly portable apples and nanners) and try new things at the dining hall! Should be fun!
In Food Science, we had a sub today, so we got out like 45 minutes early. Therefore, Kristen and I headed to the library to study for art! By the way, I feel pretty confident about the ART test! Thanks for the supppport!
We broke for lunch with Alexa and I got a salad...it tasted realllly yummy today! It consisted of romaine, spinach, a few noodles, sunflower seeds, carrots, tomatos, broccoli and a small drizzle of light ranch!
After our test, Kristen and I worked on our Chem Lab (and finished it!) and did some online Chem homework (not even close to finished.....ugh!). To fuel my studies I ate a juicy...(*gasp*) apple and about 2/3c or so Kashi Heart to Heart (yep, my school serves it..how cool is that!?) !
I headed back to my dorm around 4:30 (LONG day!) and ate a Kashi Blackberry Graham Bar! Yum-o! (Sorry Rachael Ray is on my roomie's TV at the moment!).
I am about to do some more online homework and begin studying for my big FDSC test that is on Tuesday! (It never ends!)
At 7:30ish Alexa and I are heading to One Guy's for some more pizza! Delish! Then it's church and back home to hit the sack! (Edited to add: It was just as yummmy and veggie loaded as always....AND the guy behind the counter officially knows us and our order by heart! :D)
This weekend I will be a busy busy bee! Friday after school Alexa and I are going to hit up the tennis courts and go see the movie "The Changeling", which our school is showing in the Student Union around 8pm! Should be fun.
Saturday morning I have to get up and be at the AFS (Animal and Food Science) building by 9am to make CHEESE with my FDSC club. We sell it at a shop on campus to raise money. Then I need to do laundry before the boy's basketball game at 5pm! A friend of Alexa and I is coming down this weekend as well to watch her team play ours in Bball (and see her crazy friends!) haha.
Sunday is church, Jason's Deli (HELLO Ice Cream!), and shopping for a b-day present for Kristen! Then study study study for FDSC!
I hope I made up for the lame-o posts!
Fact of the Day: Clarence Birdseye is the Father of the Frozen Food Industry. (Much progress was made in the Frozen Food Industry between 1920-1945!)
I Blame My Art Test!
News worthy..........
Anyways, I will be back for a recap later (short or long will depend on how much studying I get done!). However, I wanted to take a moment to post two news worthy items!
1) My friend, Alexa, has started her own blog! She loves her classic rock! haha If you are interested, check it out here: http://classicrockforthesoul.blogspot.com/
2) I don't know if you get emails from Starbucks, but they are giving away free samples of their new instant coffee! Check it out here: http://www.starbucksstore.com/products/via/freesample.asp?CCAID=SBXNWSL217T
Ok I shall "see" you all later!
And I thought Mondays were CRAZY!
Here's the eats! Lunch was an unpictured SALAD(romaine, spinach, sunflower seeds, light italian dressing, carrots, broccoli, noodles....)!
{{{{Granola can really kick your yogurt up to the next level!}}}}
After the game, I ate the sample sized Fiber One Cereal (It was really good. Then again, I have had it before.....but it's kind of sweet, so if you do not have a sweet tooth, it's probably not for you!) we were given for free from General Mills as we left the game and (since there was still some milk left in the bowl....and I was still kinda hungry)....I ate some Post Honey Nut Shredded Wheat! Oh and I had a Mott's No Sugar Added Applesauce (I have one basically every night!).
Put a lil' bounce in the ounce!
Breakfast was eaten on the road. A Kashi Soft-Baked Bar and a Banana! Those bars are phenomenal!
I am currently popping open my last Chocolate Chunk Chex Bar.........yea, it's sad! ;)I think I am going to browse around the blog world a little bit, get my mom's packaged taped up and ready to mail tommorrow & do a little homework! Enjoy your night!
Howdy Ho Ranger Jo!
It's a Fluke.....
Fact of the Day: (Not FDSC fact because I have something funnier to tell you and I dont feel like being intellectual at the moment.....hahah!)
Ok so my mom sent me a package about a week and a half ago and she keeps asking me if I have gotten it....sadly, I keep saying no! Then, tonight, she calls and tells me that she found the receipt and turns out that the package was sent to Pennsylvania because the lady at the Post Office entered the zip code in wrong! hahahh! It was really funny! (and nice to know that my package is not totally lost somewhere).
P.s. Bigger Pics it is! :D