
Keep it simple.

Whew! How is everyone? I am going to either have to stop taking pictures, get a bigger hard drive or...BLOG! What a novel idea. Along we go:

Simply Cinnamon. :) They were a bit crispier than pop chips, yet more "air-y" than a traditional chip. The apple flavor was subtle and the sweetness was on the lighter side (only 3g of sugar per serving). At first, my sweet tooth told my brain that these babies were a no-go; but by my second handful, I had shut up that pesky tooth and I was HOOKED!
The ingredient list is fairly impressive, which is what Revolutionary Foods is going for.
The nutrition profile is pretty snazzzy too!
Read all about the company's quest to expose school children to healthy food and to teach them about nutrition here. It's a great idea to pursue!
So stick your hand into this crunchy, apple-licious baggie and...
Join the Revolution!
Ahh...simple oats.
Spread around the PB&J (aka "icing") to get a cake-like breakfast treat! Yum!
Simple Breakfast.
The first morning out of the dorms and this is what I fix for breakfast? Yea, well I was tired and just wanted to keep things simple.
Yogurt, Banana slices, crumbled biscotti (Yum yum!) and
flax (get your's free by entering on the right side bar!)
I'll be back tommorrow with a QC post. ;)


  1. ah oats, never ever fails. Congrats on finishing up the semester, girlfriend!

  2. Ooh I've never seen the apple popchips! Yum. And I have yet to try pb&j oats.. it looks amazing though!

  3. i totally agree - sometimes simple is just the way to go :)

  4. Thanks for the yummy food posts.

  5. congrats on endign the semester!!! SIMPLER the BETTER!


What's on your "foodie" mind today?